Why I Needed A Break From Everything

Or, The Reason You Haven’t Heard From Me Lately

Hello my darlings,

It’s been a rough few months, but I needed to reach out and explain why I took the second half of 2015 off from both writing and social media.

I moved over the summer from North Carolina to southern California with my husband, daughter, dog, and tortoise. It’s been a difficult transition–making new friends, finding a place to call our own, starting school, and feeling like fish out of water.

In October I was blessed to start a full-time teaching job, but I went from working a couple days a week (8:00-3:00) to working five days a week (7:00-4:30). To make things worse, I took over in the middle of the year after a teacher quit. It’s been a stressful few months playing catch up.

Lastly and worst of all, my little brother passed away in December from complications after a brain aneurysm. It was so sudden and gut-wrenching, I spent weeks and weeks crying and walking around in a fog of shock.

To say I have been under a lot of stress the last eight months or so would be an understatement. I had bouts of creativity. I participated in Nation Novel Writing Month in November. I worked on several manuscripts, here and there, but I haven’t been mentally or physically strong enough to write seriously since last summer.

Now, though, I’m relieved to say I’m feeling much better and have started working hard on a new novel in my Red Plague series.

I hope you have all been well since we last connected online, and I look forward to reconnecting in the next few weeks.

Best wishes,


My brother Will and I.
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Enjoy this Free Red Plague Sneak Peek PDF full of excerpts and extras!
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