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Character Interview with Maya Solomon
Interviewer: This month’s Palmetto High School’s student spotlight is on Maya
Solomon, 17, recent 1st place winner in the thousand meters sprint at the state
track finals. Here are your five questions.
Q1: What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
Maya: I have a twin brother named Mason. But nobody at Palmetto has ever met
him. He doesn’t live with us anymore.
Q2: Who is your favorite teacher?
Maya: Mr. Reynolds the music teacher. He taught me a lot about songwriting and
Q3: What is one thing you can’t live without?
Maya: My iPad. It has all my recordings on it, my favorite music, and pictures and
videos of my family. I would be really upset if I lost it.
Q4: Who is the one person you can’t live without?
Maya: My dad. He’s a single parent now. Without him, I’d be an orphan.
Q5: What are your plans for after high school?
Maya: I’m going to Meredith College where my mom used to teach (before she
passed away) to study music and creative writing.

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