New 5-Star Review of Spell of Vanishing

Or, An Enthusiastic Endorsement For The New Release In The Dark Caster Series

I feel so blessed to have the job I have. Thank you, RC!

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SiMPLiREAD’s review of Spell of Vanishing:

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This book is brilliant! It is thoroughly gripping and keeps the reader on the edge of the seat. I enjoyed it, needless to say. The plot beautifully blends the paranormal world of the White Wraith, Dark Caster and Cole with the earthly world. It’s a pretty tough job to create a world of where such fantasies are abound.The book combines many genres at one go – drama, suspense, action and dark fantasy. The author is also an excellent story-teller, having conjoined the suspense and thrills in the lives of the protagonists with the ambience. The characters are perky, witty and mentally strong, all at once. If you love reading books that are fascinating and electrifying, with memorable characters, you would love this one as much as I did! 5 out of 5 stars. –RC Bean

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