It’s NaNoWriMo Time Again!

Or, My Favorite Month Of The Year

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That high-pitched squeal you hear is me being super excited about November first rolling around!

November is my favorite month of the year because, thanks to the National Novel Writing Month, I get to obsess about writing for thirty straight days.

If you’ve ever considered writing a novel of your own, join me this month in all the fun. You’ll be asked to crank out 50,000 words in 30 days, but there are local write-ins all the time where you can meet other creative types in coffee houses and talk writing while sipping lattes.

If you register with NaNoWriMo, let me know. We’ll keep each other on the right track.

Ghosts, Hauntings, & Cheap Books: Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter Today.
Enjoy this Free Red Plague Sneak Peek PDF full of excerpts and extras!

<3 Anna

P.S. This year, I’m writing a YA paranormal in the same world as my Red Plague series about the 212R zombie virus and the people who struggle to survive it. 🙂

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