Category: Miscellaneous

A Writer’s Bad Habit

A Writer’s Bad Habit

Or, One Of My Repetitive Issues

Do you have any bad habits in your writing? I never realized before last year how fixated I am on characters’ eyes. Maybe other writers focus on hands or mouths or costumes, but for me it’s all in the eyes.

My heroes and heroines gaze, look, glance, peer, and stare.

I still haven’t figured out what is so fascinating to my subconscious about a person’s eyes, but I have to be careful not to overdo it and distract readers from the larger story.

What about you? Ever read an author too detailed on a character’s gestures or appearance?

<3 Anna


I’m A Huge Danny Strong Fan

I’m A Huge Danny Strong Fan

Or, The Time I Met The Mockingjay’s Screenwriter

I have been such a fan of Danny Strong’s since he played Jonathan on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But knowing he’s guest starring on Girls and writing Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2 makes me adore him even more.

Danny Strong 2003

I don’t usually brag, but since I’ve already started I may as well get it all out now.

At the same convention I was lucky enough to get my picture taken with James Marsters (Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

James Marters 2003 2

This is me and Nora Roberts taken at a Romance Writers of America Conference. She ran out of books to sign so she sweetly offered to take photos with the next people waiting in line.

Sometime in the late 2000's.
Sometime in the late 2000’s.

Do you have pics on your phone or maybe next to your desk taken with people you admire? Tell me about it!

<3 Anna

Hunger Games: Catching Fire Girls’ Night

Hunger Games: Catching Fire Girls’ Night

Or, How I Spent My Thursday

My daughter and I had a girls’ night out. We went to Chili’s and ate appetizers. Then we caught the first Thursday night showing of Catching Fire.

2013-11-21 17.52.25
Dressing up for a night out with mommy.
2013-11-21 19.33.26
Just chillin’ in line.

My two cents: I loved the movie, though if you’ve read the book there won’t be any surprises. Jennifer Lawrence was amazing. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. In fact, all the actors were fantastic. My only complaint is I felt like the district scenes were long and winding while the arena scenes were rushed, but I understand what was going on in the districts is more important to the continuing story than any obstacles Katniss & Peeta face in the arena.

<3 Anna

Theme: Overlay by Kaira