Tag: ebook

Review of Spiral of Need (Suzanne Wright)

Spiral of Need is my first novel written by Suzanne Wright, and it was better than I expected. The hero and heroine are very well drawn. They work perfectly together and lift each other up. The outside antagonists weren’t really scary, just bitchy, and a lot of the plot was confusing to me until it was all explained at the end.

My favorite part: The sex scenes are unbelievable and worth the cost of the book all on their own. Hot doesn’t begin to cover it.

My least favorite part: So many characters! I guess the author is stacking the cast with characters for future books, but there were so many names with no distinctions or personalities attached, I actually forgot the h/h’s names the last half of the book.

Vampires, Werewolves, & Cheap Books: Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter Today.
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<3 Anna

Preorder Beasts of Vegas #2

Preorder Beasts of Vegas #2

Or, Spellspeaker’s Prophecy Is Available For Preorder On Amazon

I’m so excited to announce Beasts of Vegas #2 is now available for preorder. Roz finally gets her own love story, and it’s with a sexy shifter.

Cover blurb:

Roz Carrera is a witch on the fritz. Thanks to the Coven’s rejection of her application for membership, she’s been denied a proper magical education. Without a mentor, she’s nearly useless in helping her team of vampire hunters. Complicating matters is the hulking shapeshifter she stumbles upon outside Las Vegas who may or may not be a vicious psychopath.

The only creatures shapeshifter Lukas Larsson hates more than vampires are witches. He’s in the Nevada desert to destroy the vampires who murdered his family, but the witch Roz Carrera and her ragtag team sideline him. He can’t allow the very sexy Roz to distract him from his vengeance.

Preorder now!

Ghosts, Hauntings, & Cheap Books: Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter Today.
Enjoy this Free Red Plague Sneak Peek PDF full of excerpts and extras!

<3 Anna

Tuesday Tease

Tuesday Tease

Or, Read An Excerpt From My Upcoming Paranormal Romance Spell of Shattering (Dark Caster #4)

SoSh 600x900


The closer Derek got to North Carolina the worse he felt. On the flight from Juneau to Denver, he started chewing on antacids. By the time his third flight crossed into North Carolina airspace he was downing whiskey sours in pairs.

Spell of Shattering, ms pg 40

<3 Anna

Ghosts, Hauntings, & Cheap Books: Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter Today.
Enjoy this Free Red Plague Sneak Peek PDF full of excerpts and extras!
Tuesday Tease

Tuesday Tease

Or, Read An Excerpt From My Upcoming Paranormal Romance Spell of Shattering (Dark Caster #4)

SoSh 600x900

“Derek remembered, vaguely, driving his car too fast on long stretches of highway, taking turns at warp speed and weaving recklessly through freeway traffic. Not anymore. He didn’t drive the speed limit. He drove under it.”

Spell of Shattering, ms pg 5

<3 Anna

Ghosts, Hauntings, & Cheap Books: Sign Up For My Monthly Newsletter Today.
Meet The Necromancers Of NC For $.99

Meet The Necromancers Of NC For $.99

Or, Spell of Summoning On Sale Now




Between Dec. 1, 2014 and January 15, 2015 the first novel in the Dark Caster series is on sale at Amazon for $.99.

Cover Blurb:

Holden Clark walks into Rebecca Powell’s life, a tall, blue-eyed stranger who stirs long forgotten desires. But nothing, including this man, is what it seems. A dark necromancer is targeting Becca for a full-blown demonic possession. She is thrust into a world she never knew existed—a world where dark casters create chaos and necromancers talk to the dead.

Holden has no faith in his power. A necromancer, he communicates with the dead, but he has never embraced his gifts. Now, he has no choice. He must stop the dark caster attacking Rebecca, but accepting this mission means he’ll be delving into dangerous magics he’s never used before.

Under the protection of the damaged and mysterious Holden, Rebecca will question everything …

If you read it, please leave an honest review at Amazon and GoodReads. I would love to hear what you think!

<3 Anna

Why It’s the Best Time to be a Writer

Why It’s the Best Time to be a Writer

Or, Why I Chose to Self-Publish an eBook

The #1 (and really only reason): Control

A few years ago self-publishing was called “vanity” publishing and was something to be ashamed of. And if you didn’t feel sufficiently ashamed, other writers would help you get there. It meant you’d given up on ever climbing from the slush pile of a big, New York publisher and you just wanted to see your novel in print already, even if you had to pay for the pleasure.

Thank God for Amazon and their Kindle (and Barnes & Noble and their Nook, and Apple and their iBooks) because they not only revolutionized how we buy and read books, but they granted authors power. More power than we’ve ever had in the history of publishing. We don’t need an agent or a big name publisher to get our stories in front of readers. All we need is that special novel we’ve dreamed of printing, some technical savvy, and the desire to have people other than your parents and your spouse read it.

Once I decided to publish my novel, Spell of Summoning, electronically, on my own terms, my muse burst with so many new lovable characters and plot twists in fresh, never-dreamed of stories I couldn’t keep them all straight. I’m more excited by writing now than I have ever been. I’m crazy inspired to write and create and publish, and the best part is I’m in control of my author’s journey, every step.

<3 Anna

Writing Spell of Summoning, long-hand, during a break at work. 2011.

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