Tag: ghost

Hunting Calif. Ghosts

Hunting Calif. Ghosts

Or, Ghosts Populate Pleasanton, CA

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Hunting the Ghosts in Haunted Pleasanton

Written by Pale Dale Roberts in July 2014

haunted pleasanton

One of the most haunted hotels in Pleasanton is the Pleasanton Hotel: In 1864, five years before the first railroad arrived in Pleasanton, John W. Kettinger built the 1st hotel in Pleasanton, it was called the Farmer’s Hotel – later it was purchased by Henry Reimers in 1891 and burned to the ground on March 18, 1998 and re-built. At one time the hotel was called The Riverside Hotel and there was a minor fire in 1915. A long time resident of Pleasanton named Dwayne Simmons says that on one particular night he saw a man on fire walking on the back street, he was startled on what he was seeing and was prepared to call the police, then the man on fire vanished before his eyes. The location was very close to the hotel. Could Dwayne have seen a victim of this hotel’s past history with fires?


Many people say that upstairs at the Pleasanton Hotel is extremely haunted, the upstairs is the hotspot. People hear and see things. Doors will shut on their own. A terrified young woman has been seen wandering the hallway and many people believe she was a murdered prostitute.


Every October here in Pleasanton, they have a Ghost Walk. According to Denae, she lived in a building at St. Mary’s – when you leave the closet door open, the activity begins. St. Mary’s was once a brothel. She tells me that a woman was murdered there. She says that the closet gets very cold, you can even hear a woman breathing in the closet. St. Mary’s was built sometime in the 1800s. Denae also tells me that pots and pans would fly out of cabinets. The rocking chair once started rocking and there was an old lady rocking it. As she watched this old lady, she finally just dissipated.


Pleasanton-California-ghosts-1OTHER GHOSTLY NOTES:
1. Gay 90s Pizza – is very haunted. A patron who does not want to be identified says that one time he was ordering a pizza and the pizza flew from his hands and landed 5 feet in front of him. He said that incident scared the crap out of him.


2. Tunnels underneath Main Street, Asian railroad workers worked these tunnels. Detrick Sanders says that when everyone is in bed and Main Street is quiet, you will see the heads of Asian men pop up from the streets where the tunnels are located at. Detrick saw this one time and it reminded him of ground hogs, the heads would pop up and look to the right, to the left, straight ahead and go back into the street. It was the most strangest sight he ever saw and he claims he only drank two beers that night.


3. Dentist Office – Victorian building – used to be house, very haunted. A man with eyes on fire was seen there, the apparition came out of the window and floated to the ground. A couple walking past the office, looked at the ghost and it looked back at the couple and simply laughed with his blazing red eyes and then vanished.


4. Union Jack Pub – torn down – haunted. The ghost of a woman wearing a pink nightgown was seen floating over the land where once stood the Union Jack Pub.


There is a nice bridge walkway that will take you to Del Valle Parkway. Marcus Wilcox says his mother once saw a troll like creature underneath this bridge. The troll like creature was yanking the fur off a live rabbit. When Marcus’ mother saw the creature, he ran off into the thickets and vanished.


6. The Rose Hotel: People that have visited the Rose Hotel say that lights turn off and on, a full body apparition of a male ghost has been seen moving a big dresser. Other heavy items have been moved, but according to Swala Jasine she saw a ghostly muscular man move that dresser.


I did some EVP work in the Pleasanton Hotel and captured a woman moaning and crying. Inconclusive, because it could have been a real woman in one of the rooms actually crying. I didn’t hear the crying with my own ears, but did capture it on my digital recorder.

Stopped off at the Pleasanton Museum at 603 Main Street and learned from the curator that in the Summer of 1917, the film Rebecca of Sunnybrook was filmed there.

The indigenous Indians that resided in the East Bay were many. Here are just a few: Ompin, Carquin, Huchiun, Saclan,Cholvon, Souyen, Taunan, Tuibun, Chupcan, Volvon, Julpun, Tamcan, Ssaeam, Tatean, Yulien, Luecha and some more! With all of these Indian settlements and all of the history of Pleasanton, you would have to believe that this place is haunted.

<3 Anna

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Ghost Attacks Photog in PA

Ghost Attacks Photog in PA

Or, Watch Your Back In Pennsylvania

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Ghost Attacks Photographer in Pennsylvania House ‘Haunted’ With Demons and Spirits

Written by Darcie Loreno in July 2014

Penn Ghost Attacks

HANOVER, Pa. — Homeowners in Pennsylvania claim their home is haunted with ghosts and a demon, and one photojournalist was reportedly hurt while inside.

According to WPMT, homeowner DeAnna Simpson said they’ve lived there for seven years, and she says she has photos and recordings of voices, laughing, and even dogs barking.

She said one of the ghosts is a demon, and that she caught it in a photo. She said it is a 7-foot-tall figure.

When a Fox 43 photojournalist entered the home for a story, he felt his hand burning and saw a scratch on his wrist. Simpson claims he was hurt as a warning about telling her story.

<3 Anna

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Top 5 Most Haunted Roads

Top 5 Most Haunted Roads

Or, Spooky Places To Avoid At Night

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Ghosts Aren’t Just For Houses:Top 5 Most Haunted Roads


Apparently some ghosts have taken their shows to the road… and this list will tell you just which roads to avoid if you don’t want to hear anything go bump in the night on your next drive.

haunted tunnel

First up, Belchen Tunnel, Switzerland. It looks creepy enough, doesn’t it? It gets better… or worse. Apparently, this Swiss road is haunted by an old lady. One report shows that two women actually claimed to pick the old lady up, and were told by the old lady that “something dreadful was going to happen.” Then, with her message apparently delivered, she disappeared.

haunted road

Not scary enough? Let’s try Stocksbridge Road, also known as the “Killer Road.” Located in the United Kingdom, there have been numerous ghost sightings reported… and of more than one ghost, as well. There’s the ghost of a monk who likes to show up on the bridge on Stocksbridge Road. And then there are the ghost children (aren’t those always the scariest?). Some of the sightings of these ghost children actually come from security guards, who said they saw children playing on the road late one night… but the kids disappeared before the guards could reach them. Workmen often reported children singing in the night, as well.

hwy 666


But let’s bring it a little closer to home with Highway 666 in the United States. Here there have been reports of speeding ghost cars — including a flaming, demonic semi-truck that reportedly seems to drive directly at spooked travelers — as well as packs of devil dogs. Also, people tend to disappear from this stretch of road, losing their sense of time and sometimes not being found until days later. The name was changed from Highway 666 to 491, and, strangely enough, accidents did decrease… but it is still known as America’s “Highway to H*ll.”

haunted road hong kong

Then there is Tuen Mun Road, located in Hong Kong. There is a disproportionately high number of car accidents on this road, and people there blame the local ghosts. Apparently, these ghosts will appear suddenly, right in front of a driver, forcing the driver to swerve and inevitably crash. Furthermore, just to guarantee there is never a shortage, they say that each new car accident fatality results in a new ghost haunting the road.

old boy bridge

But if you are looking for a little more personal interaction from your ghostly encounters, try Clinton Road, in New Jersey, at the Old Boy Bridge. If you toss in a coin, the ghost of a boy who drowned there will toss it back up to you. And if that isn’t creepy enough, there have also been sightings of UFOs, mutated circus animals, and mysterious glowing eyes.

<3 Anna

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Haunted Mississippi Hospital

Haunted Mississippi Hospital

Or, Are Ghosts Communicating With Visitors?

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Haunted Mississippi

Written by Therese Apel (Sep. 2014)

hospital haunted kuhn

Kuhn Memorial State Hospital in Vicksburg is known to be one of the most haunted hospitals in the south.

The dust on the table reads, “pleh,” or “help” backwards. Nobody on the paranormal investigation team knew how it had gotten there….

ghost writes help plehYou decide.

Oh, and by the way… ghosts are said to write backwards.

<3 Anna

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Newcastle’s 5 Most Haunted Spots

Newcastle’s 5 Most Haunted Spots

Or, Take A Virtual Tour Of Haunted Sites

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Ghosts and Hauntings in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley

HAUNTED: The Civic Theater, Hunter Street

The Civic Theatre is said to be haunted by ghosts, and the best known ghost is Joe.

Joe once, apparently, had a long conversation with former Newcastle deputy lord mayor Frank Rigby.

The Civic Theatre stalls.
The Civic Theatre stalls.

The story goes, Mr Rigby was sitting alone in the theatre stalls one evening pondering the shortfall of funds required to renovate the rundown theatre.

That’s when Joe seated himself down next to Mr Rigby and insisted on talking.

Mr Rigby told Joe that there was not enough money in the budget to cover the cost of refurbishing the orchestra pit.

The ghost turned, smiled and told him not to worry about it and that everything would turn out alright.

Not long after, Newcastle was struck by an earthquake. Miraculously the Civic Theatre was spared its destruction, except for one place – the orchestra pit. Insurance covered the cost of its replacement with a new and better pit.

HAUNTED: Miss Porter’s House, King Street

Miss Porter’s House in King Street, Newcastle West, is a heritage listed building. Built in the early 1900s it was the home of the Porter family.

Sisters Ella and Hazel, both spinsters, lived in the house their entire lives.Many visitors to the house, which was bequeathed to the National Trust, claim to have seen the ghosts of the sisters.

It is said the sisters still reside over the home, which the longest surviving sister, Hazel, requested remain untouched after her death. Everything in the home is just as the sisters left it, complete with their clothes, furniture and even teaspoons.

Visitors have reported seeing apparitions of the sisters dressed in slippers and a skirt. There have also been claims the furniture moves around in the house, seemingly all by itself.

HAUNTED: The Old Hunter Street Police Lock-up

The old Newcastle Police Station in Hunter Street operated from 1861 until 1982. And those who believe in ghostly entities say its lock-up is haunted by many, but its best known is the spirit child named Mary.

Ghostly figure captured during an overnight paranormal investigation in the lock-up at the old Newcastle Police Station in Hunter St, Newcastle.
Ghostly figure captured during an overnight paranormal investigation in the lock-up at the old Newcastle Police Station in Hunter St, Newcastle.

Mary walks the jail looking for her parents and a Sydney based team of paranormal investigators claim to have made contact with her and have even recorded her voice.

But Mary is not the only ghost of the lock-up.

Paranormal investigators claim to have photographed what they believe is a ghost (pictured above), possibly a police officer, during one of their overnight camp-outs in the lock-up in 2012.

HAUNTED: Newcastle Court House, Church Street

Newcastle Court House is one of the most ghostly places in town.

There have been many ghost sightings in the Church St building. Jurors have reported feeling as though there were being watched from the upstairs public gallery during trials, claiming that even though they try to concentrate on the trial before them, their attention is repeatedly drawn to the fourth row of seats on the left hand side.

Jurors have also reported hearing the rattling of doors, cold spots throughout the building and the constant feeling of being watched.

One juror described a ghost in a pillbox hat and gloves sitting in the gallery with her hands folded in her lap.

HAUNTED: The Royal Newcastle Hospital, Pacific Street

The Royal Newcastle Hospital operated for almost 190 years. Built by convicts in 1817 it has a rich history of ghost sightings.

Some of the sightings were of the ghosts of patients who died in the hospital – including one woman who continued to set off the buzzer in her hospital room after her death.

Nurses have reported seeing bright lights shining above the beds of recently deceased patients, full bodied aparitions in ward hallways, ghostly workmen walking into lifts and the unsettling appearance of ghost nurses.

There is even a story of a matron who still came to work, years after her death.

<3 Anna

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New 5-Star Review of Spell of Vanishing

New 5-Star Review of Spell of Vanishing

Or, An Enthusiastic Endorsement For The New Release In The Dark Caster Series

I feel so blessed to have the job I have. Thank you, RC!

SOV quote 1400x2100

SiMPLiREAD’s review of Spell of Vanishing:

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This book is brilliant! It is thoroughly gripping and keeps the reader on the edge of the seat. I enjoyed it, needless to say. The plot beautifully blends the paranormal world of the White Wraith, Dark Caster and Cole with the earthly world. It’s a pretty tough job to create a world of where such fantasies are abound.The book combines many genres at one go – drama, suspense, action and dark fantasy. The author is also an excellent story-teller, having conjoined the suspense and thrills in the lives of the protagonists with the ambience. The characters are perky, witty and mentally strong, all at once. If you love reading books that are fascinating and electrifying, with memorable characters, you would love this one as much as I did! 5 out of 5 stars. –RC Bean

<3 Anna

Family Flees Utah Haunted House

Family Flees Utah Haunted House

Or, Paranormal Activity Forced Family From Their Home

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Family Moves Out Because House is Haunted

Written by Corinne Clements (Sept. 2014)

Family moves out of haunted house

The family currently renting the home formerly owned by Josh and Susan Powell says they have moved out.

Joanna Aeosana says since she and her family moved in two months ago numerous mysterious events have occurred inside the home. She says the company who leased the house to her never shared the history of the home.

In 2009, Susan Cox Powell disappeared from the home and was never seen again. Her husband, Josh Powell, was the only person of interest in the case. He later ended up killing himself and the couple’s two sons in a house fire in Washington State.

Aeosana says she was unaware of the Powells’ story and says, almost from the moment her family moved in, strange things have been happening.

“I hear people crying when I’m showering,” she told 2News.

Aeosana also says the garage door opens and closes on its own. Most recently, she said her 1-year-old son was talking to an empty swing in the front yard and saying, “Go away, leave me alone.”

Aoesana says she didn’t know about the history of the home until a neighbor told her. In the last few days, she said her family has moved out and is asking that the company who leased out the home, American Homes 4 Rent, help them find a different place to live or allow them to get out of the lease. The home is being held in a trust as the details of the estate are being worked out.

Real estate agents are not required to disclose the personal history of the home, but Aeosana says they should have a moral or ethical obligation to do so.

“I believe they should have told me,” said Aoesana. “I just don’t want to be in there.”

<3 Anna

Senator John Humphrey’s Haunted House

Senator John Humphrey’s Haunted House

Or, Spirits Still Linger In This Orland Park, Illinois Home

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Senator John Humphrey House in Orland Park, Illinois:

Haunted Historic Home and Family Spirits

Written by Edward Shanahan (Sep. 2014)


The Senator John Humphrey House in Orland Park, Illinois is not only a historic location, but also a rare haunted location in Illinois for the fact in all this time, only one family has lived in the home. The John Humphrey family.

A historic family at that and one that kept the home in the family until it was turned over to the Orland Historical Society in 1987 with the death of the youngest Humphrey family member, John. That is why this haunted historic home is more special, as some location owners claim to have what they call ‘a haunted house family’ with out the true knowledge of who the family consists of in the home as there were more then one family that occupied the other homes.

The home was built in 1881 by John Humphrey and was the 2nd house built in Orland Park. I was drawn to the Humphrey House in 2007 and until then it was not know to the public as a haunted location. Walking in to the home I knew it was active, how active, I did not know. I did learn one thing that no one in the paranormal field knew at the time or until I made it public, is that Senator John Humphrey House has a major tie to Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery.

The Senator John Humphrey Family consisted of: John Humphrey and first wife Amelia and children: Libby (died within 11 months), Wilt (oldest child and lawyer), Lillian (died as a child), Thomas (died as a child), Clara, Mable (died as a child), and Maude. Amelia (1st wife) died in 1894.

Senator Humphrey then married in the same year the secretary and assistant in his law office, her name was Ida. Senator John Humphrey and Ida had one child, his name is John and he is the one that willed the Senator Humphrey House to the Historical Society.

The house has paranormal activity.  I have had three paranormal teams and another Spirit Feeler with one team at the location and they confirmed what I already knew, that spirits are there and active. A couple of other teams have done their own investigations at the location and the paranormal activity held up without any questions about it.

See the ghostly reflection in the glass of a man and woman?
See the ghostly reflection in the glass of a man and woman?

There was one team of three men I was told about by the Historical Society President. The three guys making up the team came running down from the second floor screaming like young teenage girls seeing a mouse. That was kind of the last of the investigation teams being allowed to investigate the home on their own. It has been proven to have activity by investigation teams in the past and the hundreds of experiences by individuals during my Supernatural and Paranormal Nights held during all these years at the location.

Senator John Humphrey died in 1914, Ida lived until the 1950’s and something rare for that time frame was done when she died. John the youngest child had her waked at the home. Being waked in the home was a practice of the past and a few of the Humphrey family members were waked in the house, in the location that I have always held my ‘Circle of Energy’ Spirit Communication Sessions. Ida being waked in the home in the 1950’s was something that was very rare.

But baby John as I call him, do to the fact he was the youngest child, he had a practice of his own that was a bit on the unusual. He owned the coffin he was going to be buried in when he died and kept it at the Humphrey House when he moved back there after his mother’s death.

Baby John while alive, found comfort in sleeping in the coffin that one day would be his final resting place. Also as one explores the home, they will come across an old rocking horse in the children’s bed room, that was baby John’s horse. There is a photo of John on it when he was a child in the book ‘The Orland Story’.

I will get in to the Bachelor’s Grove in a moment, as I want to say that the house is the one most active ‘private residence homes’ that I have been in. I been in one that was a farm up in North West IL and a couple others out of state that are open to the public. As I stated earlier, there is no doubts of who the family is providing the activity in the Senator John Humphrey House.

At one time I was holding paranormal nights at the location, this year (2014), I have been holding what I call ‘Supernatural Nights, Workshops and Spirit Communications all done on the same night. In 2014 I have been allowed access to an empty room known as the playroom, a room that was a storage area in the past. This has become the most active room at the location and is the room I now use to help open individuals open up to feeling the emotions of the spirits or those emotions that have remained in the room by the children of the past.

he Senator John Humphrey family has a couple major ties to the haunted Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery and I was happy to be the able to let the Chicago paranormal field know of the connection and at times I wonder if it was a mistake due to the behavior of some individuals.

John Humphrey and first wife Amelia’s first child ‘Libby’ died at 11 months old. Mrs. Humphrey’s family (Patrick), had a family plot and family buried at Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey had Libby buried with Mrs. Humphrey’s family members at Bachelor’s Grove, as the Humphrey family did not own a family plot.

The question even asked by some of the officials of the Historical Society, is Mrs. Amelia Humphrey who was found dead in the house in March of 1898 and buried at a different cemetery then her first child Libby and is buried at Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery. Could Mrs. Humphrey be the woman and child seen at Bachelor’s Grove?

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery
Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery

There is almost no doubt that she is, as I and others have used a specific paranormal tool for communication that has stated the fact that Amelia is the Madonna of Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery.

<3 Anna

Oklahoma’s Most Haunted

Oklahoma’s Most Haunted

Or, A List Of The Most Haunted Sites In OK

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Five Supposedly Haunted Places in Oklahoma

Written by Corie King in August 2014

Every town seems to have a few places everyone thinks is haunted. That is true for most places in Oklahoma. The stories behind these hauntings are often passed down by locals and seem to get more eccentric with each passing generation. Here are some [unlikely] state hauntings.

 1. Cain’s Ballroom – Tulsa

Bob Wills began his career at Cain’s, and according to some people, he’s still there. Many believe that he haunts the venue that gave him his start, often appearing on stage. Other people swear to see a woman wearing a red dress, while most claim to see the ghost of a cowboy. Cold spots and light orbs have also been reported.

2. Mason’s Children’s Home – Guthrie

If you or a friend has ever considered getting married at the Dominion House in Guthrie, they may want to rethink the venue. Back in the 1920’s it was a children’s home and acts of brutality allegedly occurred there. Some people have seen the ghost of a nurse who killed herself while other people hear the cries of children. According to legend, a headmistress beat a six-year-old girl to death and her ghost haunts the building and grounds. The same headmistress also supposedly buried four boys in the basement.

3. Thunderbird Youth Academy – Pryor

Locals claim that there used to be an orphanage on these grounds, but it was destroyed by a tornado in 1942. The storm killed many of the children inside the building, and their ghosts still haunt the area. One person witnessed waking up in the middle of the night to a little girl next to his bunk.  A boy named Hector supposedly roams the third platoon building, and some people believe he was killed by the cook and fed to the other children.

4. Highway 20 – Claremore

Many people have picked up a young boy hitch-hiking along this highway east of Claremore. Around Pryor, the boy asks to be let out of the car in an area where no houses are present. The boy claims he lives in the area and promptly disappears. Vanishing hitch-hiker stories occur in many towns across the United States.

5. Ghost Hollow – Cushing

In our very own Payne County near Cushing and a mile north of the Cimarron River, there is an elm tree where outlaws used to be hanged.  In 1887, an innocent man was accidentally hanged, and the next day all of the bark fell off of the tree. According to legend, on the night of a full moon the tree is said to glow white as if it has no bark on it.


Haunted Sites in York, UK

Haunted Sites in York, UK

Or, Explore Britain’s Most Haunted City

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York: Ghost Tales From The Most Haunted City in Europe

Written by Hannah Osborne in August 2014

york-minsterYork has a lot of ghosts. In 2002, the International Ghost Research Foundation said it was the most haunted city in Europe, with 504 hauntings within the confines of the ancient walls.

Founded by the Romans in 71AD, the city’s violent and volatile history – including Viking invasions, the Norman Conquest and the Civil War – makes its ghostly legacy easy to understand.

The Minster, which stands towering over the city, is said to be haunted by Seamus the dog, whose barks echo through the halls at night. Legend has it that Seamus and his stonemason master worked on the Minster when it was being built. Other workers did not like the pair so one night decided to brick Seamus in behind a wall. With his master unable to find him, Seamus died alone terrified in the darkness, his barks never answered.

In one of the houses behind the Minster, another ghost wanders the upper floors. A family that had moved into the house quickly became aware of a strange presence. A crying sound would come from the children’s bedroom upstairs and people who entered would be overcome with feelings of sadness and regret.


The girl had lived in the house in the late 14th century. Just six years old, her parents had died from the Black Death in the family home. Fearing she too had the disease, the child was locked in with her parents’ bodies by locals. However, she was not infected and after the doors and windows were boarded up, she slowly starved to death all alone.

Rachel Lacy, a paranormal historian from York worked in the Haunted House, on Stonegate, before it closed down just a few days ago. As a paranormal historian, she used to lead ghost tours of York and has researched ghost stories from the city for many years.

Explaining why York was so haunted, she said that before the Romans arrived about 2,000 years ago, there were early tribes that had kept the land as sacred ground. “Then the Romans came and built a great city on sacred site. Maybe they disturbed something much earlier,” she said.

While working in the Golden Fleece, one of York’s most haunted pubs, Lacy said she and many other members of staff saw ghosts or experienced paranormal activity. “The Fleece is weirder than anywhere I’ve ever worked. I’ve heard a lot of stories from different people. I saw things there that I’ve never seen anywhere else.”

Staff members told stories of seeing their colleagues walking through rooms only to later discover they weren’t there or had only just arrived. People heard furniture being moved around when alone in the pub, while others heard their names being called.

Discussing her favourite ghost tale from York, Lacy said she had personally interviewed Harry Martindale, whose story about the Roman soldiers walking on their knees is one of the city’s most legendary.

Martindale had been working at the Treasurers House where a Roman road had been discovered in a cellar. He went down on a broken ladder and began work. However, as he came to the end of his shift he heard music coming from the wall he was leaning on. He fell down and scrambled into a corner, when he saw Roman soldiers emerge from the wall and march down the road. He could only see to their knees – however, when they walked over the hole to the Roman road, he could see their full legs. He could hear them talking, but could not work out what they were saying.

“Now I could see them exactly as I can see you now, they weren’t no wisp of smoke, they weren’t whirly, you know, the atmosphere didn’t change, they were human beings as came out of the wall except they were dressed as roman soldiers,” he said.

Martindale’s story gained legitimacy after describing several aspects about the Roman soldiers’ clothing that he would not have known at the time, including how they laced their sandals, their tunics and their shields.

Lacy said that although a number of popular ghost stories in York have been corrupted over time, there was a great deal of evidence and sightings to support the city’s ghostly reputation. The Haunted House has now been bought by a property development group which plans to refurbish and rent out the house.

She said that after Haunted House closes, they will be working to purge the property of ghosts through rituals, including the spirit of a girl cursed by her own mother in York Minster. The girl had been betrothed to a boy living next door. However, she was caught sneaking out from his house and the moral police dragged them to court.

After being questioned, the pair supplied contadictory stories and she was cursed. She ended up marrying a different man who turned out to be “incredibly violent”. After trying to flee, he caught up with her during an Easter Parade and beat her so severely doctors believed she would die. However, her ultimate end remains a mystery. “The court records stop before the story ends, so either moneychanged hands to make it go away, or the documents were lost. But the last documents with the husband’s name showed he had married another woman, so she either died or he killed her,” Lacy said.

“I can’t think of a better reason why she would haunt the house.”

<3 Anna

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